Meet Gurpreet

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 Hey, dudes! I go by Gup since I was given a long, hard to pronounce for most people name. Up for anything (except dancing in public or going anywhere near cockroaches.. dem nasty little critters), very expressive, my highs leave my spirit soaring and my lows are an eyesore but I always try to live in the moment and seize the day. I call me a flexible, free-spirited person while some people see the same thing and call me ‘cincai’. The difference in perceptions such as this fascinates me. Observe, contemplate, and jump into action – basically how I live.

OK supposed to be "Where Are You Based" but..yeah, this happened. Okay, moving on! I'm stay-at-home Johorean who will be voyaging through the wilderness of the PLUS Highway to move to the bright lights of Kuala Lumpur come September. 

  Soon I shall be a full-fledged Law student battling assignments, tutorials and enriching my mind in my beloved University Malaya. In addition to that, I’m working on getting lots of money to fund my wanderlust. I would love to travel the world and expand my horizons while I’m still an able bodied, independent physically and mentally 20-something year old.

I have such diverse and varied fields of interest sometimes it makes little sense. I’m an avid reader who loves all things Historical and issues that really get the gears in my brain clunking and grinding, I write every now and then, and when the mood comes by I make an attempt draw the wonderful images in my mind’s eye (it’s a series of hits and misses, mostly). Questioning everything! I love looking at issues from various perspectives and tossing about ideas. Wandering aimlessly just to observe the sights and smells of all that is around me is also something I love. Hiking, cycling, rock climbing duuude you name it, I'm there! But kinda out of shape now(hmm..round is a shape! :D) so don't laugh if you find me rolling on the ground gasping for air...

Random girl I met during one of the many how-to-take-your-UPSR exam clinics I used to go for who I really liked coz I thought she was a cool person and at that time I was a shy, reserved person so I was thankful to have someone to talk to. She lured me away from my friends (weeell.. more like casual acquaintances but heck, I was 12 and who likes going to these things alone?) with the promise of food so grabbed lunch together at Friday’s coz the food they gave us sucked and after laughing at so many random things, got offended together when a dumbass waiter called us kiddos coz nothing brings people together more effectively than laughter and a mutual so-called “enemy”,  I never saw her again and kindamaybe forgot about her until guess who went EH *points finger in my face* on the first day of high school? Hahaha Now we’re gonna be University mates too! Surprise, surprise!

 I knew she existed about a day before we officially met in the Sixth Form. Sounds like an arranged marriage... how stereotypically Indian lol Our mums were friends as they’re both language teachers so for that reason alone I’ll admit I was slightly apprehensive about the whole hey-make-friends-with-my-friend’s-kid coz I thought we’d left primary school like 6 years ago. C’mon, mum… please. But meet her I did and we clicked immediately coz who can resist this fun lady? She’s one of those rare people that everyone is immediately drawn to. Hey, there’s a reason I call her The Charminator. Fortunately enough she was already a friend of Naomi’s so when the introductions were made I have a vague recollection of “Oh, I actually already know who you are coz our mums are friends” and me going “Ohhhh so you’re the one!!”. Yeah, Shakespeare ain’t got nothing on this love story lol

I sometimes go out and do silly things deliberately because I know no matter how mortified I am at that moment, I’ll look back and have a lifetime’s supply of laughter by the time I’m old and wrinkly. I don’t have a straight spine, cannot stand the smell of cigarette smoke (or any smoke for that matter) and alcohol, obsessed MUSE and The Beatles fan, terrified of cockroaches, sometimes pretend to be a black woman named Teana. I hate having my picture taken/taking my own picture. And I have an unhealthy obsession with the United Kingdom. I talk too much so shush me if I do. I have a neon orange slinky that is extremely hypnotizing. 
 Impulsive, expressive diva.

Stalking: made easy.